
I have told you how great the illustration class I took was, it sure was.  But it was also emotionally hard as every Wednesday there was a review in which 250+ of us hoped to be in, but only a handful was picked.  That's when my motivation was drained and self-doubt started kicking in.  I didn't make it in any of the reviews, I felt I have failed. I tried encouraging myself with the example of others, remember even Dr. Seuss wasn't published in his first try.  So I kept plowing along and trying, trying, but I didn't let myself feel the feelings fully.

A bumpy road to get back to thankfulness, but lots of blessings have come from dealing with disappointment.  The first one, this article:

I want to suggest that our disappointments are not only inevitable but even good. Yes good. They help us find balance and perspective. They bring variety (even adventure) to our lives. They are a source of learning and wisdom. And, perhaps most importantly, they help us develop character.  - Roger K Allen.

Then some friends that have shared of their talents generously with me asked me for small favors.  It feels so good to do something I enjoy so much for them.


So, to my disappointments I now say


for a chat and then please leave.

In working on this sign I pulled out some of the white paints I had around and here is the test, may be helpful some other time.  I used the acrylic craft paint as it was the most opaque.
