More animal friends

8 x 10 in watercolor & gouache illustration

8 x 10 in watercolor & gouache illustration

Bonnie Bunny is in a hurry, she is going to wake up Scarlet Red Panda because Spring is in the air.  Federico Fox is wondering what is going on, while Felix the Frog was feeling bashful being caught basking in the sun, still happy to share a big smile.

Well, Silo Sloth and Scarlet Red Panda needed more friends and when I asked my kids about what animals to draw next these guys were on the list, long list, I have work for a while.

Here is the visual process.  I sketched them with pencil and inked them while using my Intuos Paper Pro.  So, Bunny, Fox, and Frog became digital drawings.  I arranged them using Photoshop and after layering the background details, printed it.  It made it easier to change the composition, but I need to print on thicker paper, that was the flaw with this process.  I like thicker paper so that when I paint it doesn't warp as much.